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There are some people who seem to be set upon making others feeling inferior, wrong, unloved or out of place in any way they possibly can. They cannot help to do so because otherwise they would be feeling thus themselves. When they were still little children growing up they have never experienced unconditional love and this is making them fight for superiority over others and/or acknowledgement from them because this is the only way they can feel sure of themselves. As adults they are still behaving like little children fighting in the playground for affection and admiration from the nanny standing by. It takes a lot of love and understanding to help such individuals out of their lifelong deficiency of love and ultimately it is they  who have to remedy their inner condition themselves. The absence of love within a person is endowing him/her with a destructive force. One cannot help feeling sorry for them and sad about their destiny. Nonetheless it is important to protect yourself against their destructive influence because sometimes we cannot help meeting with such persons in life. In these situations it is most important not to let yourself be blinded by their show of superiority/bossiness because in doing so you are loosing your inner balance and your own level of reality and topple down to theirs. However to defile them for their behaviour is equally destructive to your own peace of mind. So the best way to deal with such personalities is to keep to yourself and not let yourself be taken in by their attempts of getting a reaction out of you. Also to stay personally as detached as possible is the easiest way to keep your attitude of loving understanding towards their way if being. Whereas if you let yourself down to fight against them, you will invariably lose your inner peace and freedom. Love is really the only protection when dealing with such personalities. Love both for your self and for them.


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