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In times of external darkness the higher senses of perception are felt more acutely and appear more prominent than in phases of daylight because there is less distraction from what one is seeing via the physical eyes. Hence there is a tendency in people, whose higher senses are awakened but not yet brought under their conscious control, to be more acutely aware of their personal fears when it is dark outside. What they are unconsciously perceiving via the higher senses is triggering their inherent fear and not having the sense of physical vision to distract their attention away from it the fear gains the upper hand. This can also concern those who are otherwise quite fearless in life because via the sensitivity the tenseness of fear can be picked up from the general atmosphere and taken for a personal fear in unconsciousness.
I believe (deducing from personal childhood-experiences) that this offers a plausible explanation to the phenomenon of fear of the night in young children. They have not yet learned to shut out their higher perceptions by means of the restricting "rational thinking" of their Ego-minds. Hence to adults their fears often appear inexplicable and even misplaced.
What to do if you are suffering from sensations of fear in periods of external darkness? Learn to centre your attention in your own self by practising conscious breathing and focussing upon your heart centre. This effectively shuts out external perceptions - for the time being at least.


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