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The moments of fear you are coming across in the course of your earthly life are like high mountains barring your passage. Personal fears, or mountains, are challenges to be faced and surmounted - or traversed by ways of a deep tunnel - in faithful love. In an unconscious state of Ego-identification your first reaction upon meeting such a mountain is to either trying to avoid them as well as you can or if you cannot do so you baulk and start going round in circles on the spot, in the vain hope the unwelcome obstacle would thus disappear on its own accord. Which of course it will not.
Personal crises arise from fear and in such moments it may happen, that you do not even realize there is actually a mountain is standing in your way. Because an instinctive fear has come over you, rendering so scared, that you do not know anything any more. In this state of panic you are running straight on and into a dark tunnel opening up at the foot of the mountain. Only to recover consciousness once you are already deep in the midst of the mountain. In such situations it is faithful love, which will get you to the other side. You have to trust that if only you keep on walking you will eventually reach the other side and the light of day again.
If, on the other hand, you are aware enough of yourself to already know your personal fears consciously, you are able to meet and climb these mountains rearing up and blocking your path in conscious awareness. And with each mountain you have thus climbed across, your initial fear will grow smaller and allow you to come a little closer to your True Self, who is fearless, and to God.


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