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Karma is that, which is binding the soul to matter. Karma exists both upon a personal as well as on a collective level. Every debt of karma a human soul dissolves in the light of love is helping to lighten the collective burden of human karma. Thereby it does not matter, if the karmic debts a soul has taken on, in order to incarnate into a human body, are initially its own or those of someone else it has decided to take personal responsibility for. There are a great many souls who are helping the human collective by taking on and living out karma for others. The stronger a soul is rooted in love and the closer to God in consciousness, the more it is able to take on both in its own name and in that of others. The most prominent example hereto is Our Lord Jesus Christ, who took it upon himself to bear the suffering for the whole of humanity in his time of incarnation.
Karmic debts are created by unconscious behaviour, which instead of being in conformity with the Divine Will and Love serves purely egoistical ends. An unenlightened Ego-Mind, whose actions and reactions are conditioned by its fear cannot help but create karmic debts, because in its believe of having to defend itself, it acts exclusively in its own interest. Only an individual, who has utterly surrendered his Ego-mind to the voice of his Heart and thus to the Will of God, is capable of leading a personal life without continuously accumulating additional karmic debts.
Karmic debts are really just lessons of love, which have been personally neglected out of fear. Therefore, the longer one is dodging out of their way and the deeper one is hiding away from one’s own fear of facing personal responsibilities, the greater the challenges are growing. Not because the lessons in themselves are becoming more difficult, but simply because one’s own resistance against them is growing stronger. The Ego-mind likes to excuse its own failure in coping with certain personal issues, by terming it “bad” karma. Karma simply is. Its grade of difficulty is solely determined by how deeply unconscious one has acted in one’s own interest and in fear against the Divine law of love.
Love transforms karma into light. Or saying it differently; conscious recognition, on part of a human individual, of the Divine reality of love behind and between all forms of life and personal adherence to its laws, is making its personal karma redundant. Ultimately, this love has to be found by each and everyone at the core of their own being. However in this process of self-recognition, personal relation-ships with other people are necessary, because only through conscious awareness of one’s reflections in the mirror of the world, enables to uncover one’s personal subconscious realities.
Love is that, which is binding souls together. Karma therefore gets in the way of the love-connections between individual souls. Therefore it logically follows that karmic debts also hinder the flow of love and consciousness connecting one’s own different levels of existence. Because one’s interior and exterior reality are one.


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