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The Ego-Mind, in its unenlightened state, is a habitual fighter, which, like any warrior -fights even more vehemently when it is being attacked or is fearing its extinction. And while you are living an incarnated life on earth, there is no way, you can entirely get rid of it. Luckily so, because without it you could not survive- maybe living alone in a secluded hermit's cave but certainly not in a Western society. The Ego-mind is a necessary tool for solving problems and for securing your personal survival.
However, there is still a way, you can liberate yourself from its firm and destructive dominion it has over your personal existence. Namely, by taming it with your love and awareness. A transcended Ego-mind has no more irrational fears and thus no longer fights against the wisdom of your heart. Instead it is meekly following and executing the intuitive impulses it is receiving there from.
But saying that the Ego-mind cannot be dissolved is not entirely true. Because there is a way of being free from it for moments in time. In deep meditation it is no longer noticeably there. Also in the awareness of your Heart, the Light, Love and in complete absorption in life of the here-now it momentarily fades. But it always returns. Who else could tell you when you need to drink/eat/go the toilet etc.?
Therefore it is no use, wanting to get rid of your Ego-mind and fighting against its existence.
It should rather be looked upon with a kind of amused humour- similarly to how you would look upon a recalcitrant little child, whom you love and whom you are eternally patient with. Embrace it lovingly, when it is crying in fear, in pain in frustration. Just be there with your love, watching its outburst, without reacting to them, beyond saying:" yes, yes, yes" and: "I love, I love, I love". By and by it will learn, that there is no need to fight, no need to be afraid of anything. On the contrary, it will come to realize that it is secure in being cherished and loved at all times- even though it might only occasionally get to decide what has to be done and only rarely gets asked its opinion upon matters of life.


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