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This must be one of the most frequently asked questions in the world. And most of the time, the inquirer is asking it only in order to be polite or to talk about himself. In either case he is believing himself to be a helpless victim of life's circumstances and his personal physical, emotional and mental level of existence.
However once you no longer believe yourself to be your Ego-Self, this question ceases to be relevant (unless, of course, you are a therapist who is there to help other people with their ailments and illnesses, in which case it is part of your job to inquire into peoples states of well-being). By no longer identifying with your Lower Self you are hence forth living in the realization, that your state of well-being lies entirely under your own responsibility. Yes, from time to time your body might still be suffering, your emotions may be disturbed and thoughts in a turmoil. Or you path through life might occasionally be more challenging than it usually is. But because you are now in a position of neutral observer over your personal level of existence, such circumstances are no longer affecting you negatively, they are no longer keeping you from enjoying life and being happy with your lot.


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