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Go after your daily occupations and work for joy of living and love. Do whatever it is you may be doing because it fills you with a sense of contentment, wholeness and harmony. Do it because it is making you feel at peace with yourself and the world, your immediate environment. Let this be enough for this is all that truly matters. If, on the other hand, you are going after your daily labours in seeking recognition from the world for what you are doing, you are very likely to be disappointed rather than praised. Even if you may reap immediate reward for it from the world, it is likely to swiftly pass away again and leave you as empty-handed as you were before. Only those things which are recognized and acknowledged within your own self are of endurance and real worth. Moreover in fighting for worldly recognition you are wasting precious love energy. You are wasting your love because the world, concerned with its own battle for recognition and reward will be reluctant in giving you what you are hoping to receive and so is more likely to cause you doubts than affirmations. This being the case therefore it will only serve to undermine your own trust in yourself and thus diminish your love.


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