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In any kind of relationship the parties concerned are connected so that they are to relate to each other in one way or another. Provided that those who are involved are truly relating to each other, their relationship grows steadily and is ultimately transformed into unconditional love in the light of self-consciousness. Yet in most cases the parties concerned are not truly relating to their counterpart as it is in the here-now but rather to their own personal picture of it. A picture which is built upon subjective memories of the past, prejudices and expectations coloured by unfulfilled personal emotions, thoughts, ideas etc. In other words, all they are relating to is their Ego's idea of the other person and therefore the relationship remains a one-way street. So unless one or both parties involved have moved beyond their Lower Self and are able to view the other, while remaining emotionally/physically/ mentally detached, disappointment, disagreement and misunderstandings are inevitable. In order to truly recognize and relate to your counterpart you have to practise conscious awareness and be willing to withdraw from you Lower Self, let bygones be bygones and leave your personal expectations and wishes concerning the other aside. Only in so doing will you be able to truly recognize yourself in the other. Otherwise you are only seeing your own limited Ego. Moreover, recognition is most vital in a relationship. Unless it is there, relating to someone, or something, else is made impossible because you can only relate to things you recognize and know in some way -or at least are keeping an open mind towards. Therefore, in relating to another party, conscious recognition of the self reflected back at you takes place, which in turn creates the opportunity for personal transformation and growth.


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