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To live in a healthy love-relationship and to maintain it thus, is difficult enough. And  throughout your time together- not only in the first few heady weeks- you should be loving and accepting your partner just the way he/she is- without any "buts" and "ifs". Due to the individual differences unavoidably existing between your different personalities soon enough you will discover the issues between you that require especial compromises from both sides. However even when these required compromises and sacrifices are many, your love and respect for the other party ought to remain intact and unblemished by them. Never should you say -or just even think to yourself: " I would love you still, but..." or: "I would love you better if only..."
Should you ever be catching yourself voicing words along these lines it is better to either let go of the relationship in question or work at your attitude to ameliorate it because to condition your love thus will only bring unhappiness and disillusionment to one or both of you ere long. This kind of loving is not True Love but living out the ego's idea of love, which at best its is self-gratification and destructive to the True Love that truly can exist between two individuals.


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