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Indeed, the most charming aspect of life and Mother Nature lies in their capacity to show forth beauty in the most improbable places and unexpected moments. And still, generally our Ego minds prefer the predictable and rational and is afraid of changes and tends to believe itself capable to change things from the outside.
Since it is the nature of the Ego Mind to generally believe in first appearances it is hardly surprising that it needs repeated reminding that the centre of all growth lies on the inside of things and that changes likewise can only happen from within. The mind likes to rationalize and predict everything, life on the other hand is very irrational and unpredictable.
As it is written in the Bible: "In the beginning was the Word..." and thoughts are the subtle forms of words. And since you are your own world, so to speak, your thoughts are determining your world/your life.
 The following equation might make it easier for you to instil in your beliefs the fact that the key to all desired changes lies within your own self, namely your own way of thinking.
Life = change = development (growth/decay)


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