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True happiness is a matter of the heart. From there it wells up, suffusing your whole being with a radiance that shines through your eyes and endows your words and actions with love. It is like a steadily burning flame drawing its existence from the gratitude felt towards the Divine Father for the gift of life and from the pleasure experienced at perceiving the abundant beauty Mother Nature is bestowing upon you. It therefore requires no particular outward conditions to manifest itself- the simple fact of being alive in this human body suffices for it to be. At times you may be celebrating your happiness exuberantly, at times just live in it quietly. At all times it endows you with a lightness of being as if you were born through life by a pair of invisible wings of love.
Happiness that has its root in the Ego, on the other hand, can only happen for a particular reason. It draws its vitality, or at least part of it, from the knowledge that others are less happy than you. It always requires seperation of some sort in order to exist. It can only be achieved by either excluding certain other people or by temporarily blocking out/suppressing certain unfavorable aspects of yourself.
Whereas true happiness naturally embraces and includes anything and anyone within its radius.


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