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Love can take place upon four different levels of your being. Yet it is commonly lived and acknowledged but on two or three at the most.
The lowest level of love constitutes the attraction of the physical instincts. The second one up is the emotional reaction towards another being and the third a mental infatuation with another living creature. These reactions either take place singly in varying degree of strength or in any possible combination of the three. There is nothing wrong with them in themselves. What is making them - more often than not - harmful and life-hindering in the long term, or even short term, is the fact, that they are but rarely in accord with each other and usually subject to fluctuations. To the effect that not only the bestower but the receipient, too, are becoming victims of these unpredictable changes in the love that is being lived out. Although, really, the fluctuating changes are part and parcel of the love of the three lower levels, which are strongly dominated by the laws of duality and as such they are quite harmless. They gain potential to wreak devastation with an individual if he holds the expectation for the love to remain unvaryingly the same always. Or by the act of willfully trying to suppress the occuring changes because upon another level of being they appeare inappropriate or are being forbidden by society.
The loves of the three lower levels of your being will never at peace amongst each other unless the fourth dimension is added to them and thus effectively renders them parts of a complete whole. The highest level of your personality self is the spiritual part, the inhering soul. Only the soul is capable of truly loving another being, because it is aware of the connection between all forms of life. Whereas the senses chemically and instictively react or remain passive. The Emotions are stirred by the presence of others either in an agreeable or disagreeable fashion and the Mind has its own likes and dislikes, too. Whereas the soul is able to love compassionately, all-encompassingly- independent of the initial reactions of your lower levels.


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