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I see snow and ice as Divine energy that has been rendered visible, by having taken on a physical form. Although, being clair-voyant, I am used to seeing the Divine life force in the form of light, when it appears in dense matter, I can fell its power even more distinctly. It is, as if my bodily cells are reacting directly to it with a sensation of hightened energy, while in its form of pure light, my consciuosnes awareness is sometimes necessary in order to feel it.
Also, to me, all the pure whiteness falling from the skies and covering the Earth calls to mind, that every part of Mother Nature- our own selves included,- are made up of these microscopic, crystaline structures, of which each one is simultaneously similar to the like ones, yet magnificantly and magically unique in it-self. And just like a big snow-flake constitutes of uncountable tiny star-structures, so is every other form of life, too, an accumulation of minuscule crystaline structures. In fact, snow-flakes could actually almost be called giants, if compared to a cell of our physical body. Yet in comparison to our whole physical appearence they seem small.


  1. Dear Pamina: thanks for bringing into consciousness why this cold and deadly element is causing such a lot of postive response and fascination in the soul of people. I will keep on enjoying the beauty of the glittering wonderland around us. Wishing you the best.
    Warm greetings.


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