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The four desires most people seem to have in common, are the want to remedy their past, the hope for a better future, the wish to change their lives and setting the world to rights. The only effective way to achieve all four of them, is to recognize the potential of power lying hidden in the here-now and learning to use it. Realizing that the choice is always your own, if you wish to lose your-self in the figments your Mind is creating or rather to immerse your-self in the present moment and whether you want to concentrate on the good or the bad inherent therein. Changing your attitude towards your-self and your life as what they ARE, contrary to what your Mind used to make you believe of them, instantaneously creates a transformation to the better. And with each time you are chosing to the seize the opportunities inherent in the here-now, you are by and by, -or possibly even very suddenly,- changing your-self upon all levels of your being. With the additional effect of not only rendering your past deeds and future prospects irrelevant but also provoking changes in your own life and the world as a whole.


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