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Only man-made objects, made from artificial materials are limited. Anything else in the world we are living in, and all that lies beyond it and also within our-selves, is free from limitations. Just like a single ray of sunlight can be split up into seven major rays of colours and zillions of sub-colours, so can anything else in manifestation be seen from countless differnt perspectives, revealing from each one an endless variety of different meanings, implications and connotations. Which is why, by limiting your-self to what is apparent to you on a purely superficial and subjective level only, you are missing the greatest part of life happening around and through you. Living your life lost in the subjective world of emotions, thoughts and feelings, you will most probably experience the following feelings on a regular basis- or if not, instead generate them in those living around you by your self-centred behaviour. Anger, hopelessness, confinement, confusion, greed, fear etc. However, once you have ceased to identify your-self with your feelings, emotions, thoughts and physical appearence, you become free to see what is happening to, and around you from more than just your own personal point of view. Seeing life from this multi-layered perspective, holds the possibility to endow you with a wealth of new experiences and higher revelations.


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