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Mother Nature is reminding us daily that the only constancy in life is change, an endless cycle fluctuating between birth and decay. Hence all things static are doomed to be broken up/abolished or to go under/fall with the passage of time. This should be the first law being obeserved in our lives, regardless whether it be in the building of a house, state or relationship. But because the human Mind is still largely dominated by the fear-oriented Ego, to whom the idea of change appears terrifying, this is rarely done. Instead it clings on to the idea that everlasting stability can be achieved by intention and consequently meets with disappointment allong the way. Or worse, by putting up a fight against it and reaps bitterness, anger, (self-)accusation and (self-)deception.
Therefore, in the building of an architectural structure, the materials chosen should be of a natural origin so that when it is no longer in use, its decay does not contaminate Our Mother. In setting up a state or social system it is important to observe that the differences existing on all levels down to the indiviuals, are a fact. Hence the imposed system must be flexible and allowing growth and development at the same time as giving a sound ground structure upon which to form a funcioning society. And in relationships the awareness kept present, that with the time passing the shared path in life may no longer exist, be it either due to destiny, death or simply differing personal development.
That there is constant change in the life through and around us causes difficulties only with the human-beings. Animals, Elementals, plants and minerals simply go with the change. However, going back to a time, where the human race was still living in accordance with Mother Nature, this was not so. But it seems that the seperation from being At One with the changes imposed by Nature/Life were necessary in order for us to come back to it with a hightened awareness, enabling us to live the At-Oneness with Mother Nature upon a higher level of evolution than before the period of separation.


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