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Finding fault with the behavior of others or accusing them because they do not live up to your expectations of them, or blaming your current circumstances for things which do not work out the way you wish them to, or formulating excuses due to your current restricted conditions in life/state of health in order to explain why you are unable to live up to other people's demands of you (which of course are nothing but a reflection of the ones you put onto your-self) are all escapes from facing the Truth and dodging responsibility. That is: the truth bout your-self and taking the responsibility for all that you are, think and do. By accusing others, be this verbally directed at them or even just in your own thoughts, you are diverting the attetion(your won and the other's) from the fact that it is actually your-self, your own attitude and behaviour you should rather be looking at instead of looking for the stumbling-block on the out-side. Fighting against the truth renders it seemingly invisible and softens its cutting edges, as if you were embosoming it in a grey, indefiable mist. However, each situation offers you the chance to turn around and to recognize your true self behind the fake façade. By your honest desire to see your-self as you truly are, without the Ego-created embellishments and excuses, you can pierce the fog of superficial reasonings and accusations. This may not always be easy, but will get lighter each time, because through experience your certainty grows that what you used to be afraid of and hide from is always worse than its actual impact if met with directly.


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