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Since the world is peopled by imperfect human-beings, of whom only a few have already aquired a state of inner harmony upon all levels of their being, I suppose it is only natural, that there should arise disharmounious situations. In those moments the usual habit is to put the blame either on one party, the other, both or the situation in general. Whereas the truth is really that the various frequencies of vibration involved do not fit together and the resultant crash has the effect of causing further disharmony with the individual(s). Which in turn, of course, renders a meshing of the personal vibrations involved even more impossible. Now instead of blaming the other for his/her/its seeming inadequacy, let go your hold on the one-sided perspective of the Ego-Mind and turn your attention to the fact that everyone and every situation is unique and in this, different from everyone else. If everyone vibrated at their original frequency in alignment with the the True Self, there would be no more discordant moments- no matter how many different virbrations met. Because in a state of inner harmony you are automatically at one with the Divine Unity of Creation, which of course, includes everyone and everything in it.


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