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There is a general trend in the Western world to want to reach a state of No-Mind. The striving for this state more often than not is an undertaking which actually causes exactly the opposite effect in the aspirant because the mind starts fighting against its own existance and thus the whole mission becomes a internal fight. Also, there is the fact that unless you abdictate the world and become a hermit, yogi or monk living in seclusion, you actually need the practical thinking mind in order to survive and cope with everyday life in a society mainly based on mind structures. The ideal state therefore is to be able to use your mind consciously as a tool whenever it is needed and for the rest of the time live according to the wisdom and qualities of the Heart.
A possible path to achieve this state is to first become fully aware of all your thoughts at all times, teaching your-self to observe them without letting your-self be involved by them. Having mastered this step, proceeding on to think consciously and filling your thoughts with Light and Love, until this becomes their natural state and does no longer require any effort on your part. In addition, discipline your-self to feed it with pure/beautiful/simple words and spend your time in contemplation of them. Meditate upon life around you, observing it from your still centre within the heart. The natural effect of all these endeavors will bring you moments of complete stillness "No-Mind" in which time and place dissapear, plunging you into eternity. However, since the Mind is part of our human set-up it will always remain with you. But by its transformation and enlightenment it looses the power to hinder you from living in vertical reality at the same time as the horizontal one, with the effect of suffusing you with unconditional bliss and lightness of being regardless of any out-ward circumstances. Putting it differently; in the state of No-Mind your mind is vibrating in correlation and harmony with the Divine Mind which is expressing It-self through life. Yours thus becomes a vehicle for it by actively living and perfoming His Will and Love.


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