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Learn to become like a tree. Firmly rooted in Mother Earth, with a solid trunk of a soft, ever expanding heart centre and a resistant exterior, able to face all storms. With branches and twigs agile and bendable, though resilient to the constantly blowing winds of change. A crown high enough to oversee all that is happening to you below from a bird's perspective, and at the same time connecting you to the higher realms of existance, drawing energy therefrom, as well as through your roots plated deeply in the nurturing soil.


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There is a kind of love which unifies and unites and one that renders us poignantly - at times even painfully - aware of boundaries, limitations and our separateness. The mastership of true loving is to attain the awareness of the first and to henceforth exist in this state even whilst passing through personal experiences of the love that separates.


The Ego is unconsciously aware that love has the power to bestow immortality. And because its greatest fear is to die, it is instinctively seeking after love. However, for as long as the Ego is clinging to the reasons for why it is believing itself to be loved, death remains imminently close and fear remains the dark shadow of the love it is experiencing. Only when the reason for feeling loved is an all-encompassing, unconditional love that is being felt inside your own self, does love make you immortal. Of course, your Ego is still going to die its timely death but because you have released your fears death changes from a threat into a promise.