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It often appears beyond our comprehension why the life we lead and our own existance is being called illusionary and instubstantial. And yet they are, because they are only a fragment of the Truth, which is God, and usually a distorted one at that. Our perception is limited and therefore we are quite simply unable to be aware of the Divine Reality which is all encompassing and lies beyond the conception of our human minds. However, if we have become fully aware of our own Divine centre within and are able to live consciously in that reality from moment to moment there is a possibility for us to gain glimpses of the Truth. But once you have caught sight of it, there is no way back to what you have been before. It is like being an actor who has realized that the play he was acting in and taking for real is in fact only a masquerade put up by a director who is completely unconcerned about its plot and uninterested in your own proficiency but really only caring for your inner values and the intention behind your inter-actions on stage.


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