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The whole universe is made up of Divine Light and Love, appearing in different forms of vibration which in turn create a particular energy. Roughly speaking, everything in our world- including us - is Energy. Since Energy is eternal and only changes its state, hence its appearance- nothing is ever lost, even though it may often seem to us to be the case. Widening our perspective and deepening our awareness of our-selves and the world about us, we start recognizing the invisible law behind this fact. Once you have become fully conscious of your Mind's process and actions in life, you gain a certain power over your personal game of give-and-take. The power in this context not meaning the willful control of the Mind but the knowledge that since you are living in your own Truth, whatever returns to you will always be clearly distinguishable. This rendering it simpler and easier to live, because the moments of thoughts and feelings in confusion and darkness have given way to a state of calm serenity from whence all actions, toughts and feeling can be seen in their true light.
What remains beyond your immediate influence, however, are the lessons of Karma that come your way, which are the results of another incarnation of yours. But what you can do, is govern your own reaction to them. If you accept the responsibility for the trials and seeming obstacles you meet with and are unafraid to look then in the face, keeping a neutral attitude always, the waves will die away swiftly and leave you once more on a calm sea beneath the eternal sunshine.


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