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The ultimate Divine Truth can only be expressed in Silence. All words- even the most accurately chosen ones by someone who has attained to the state of Inner Silence and enlightenment- can at best be a clear description hinting at the Truth. God is to be found in the Silence within. A Silence where there are no more thoughts arising in the Mind, no more emotions and feelings asking for your attention. Therefore all words take you away from the Truth- even if they are speaking of God and describing Him. Descriptions are never the real thing- not even where a mundane object is concerned. And since the Divine Truth is only present in the Here/Now,- and never in the Past nor Future because they are creations of the Ego-Mind,- it can never be truly expressed in words. The AUM are the closest you can get to it.
To human-beings talking is generally very common-place and so much a part of their lives that even short moments of Silence appear unbearable. Yet how often are your words more than just an act to satisfy and quieten your Ego-Mind? How often is what you impart to others of real value on more than just a superficial level? The urge to talk about personal matters always arises from the Ego-Mind. And for as long as you identify your-self with that part in you, which is so often disturbed with currents and cross-currents you can never attain to the state of Inner Silence and Truth. Because in moments where there is silence around you the inward noise usually appears to be even louder. But you can be touched by it all the same because the Divine is all-powerful. Everyone feels calmed and soothed by the Silence of the sort God can instill through Mother Nature- even if it may take you a while to become attuned to it. Mother Nature being a very pure expression of the Divine- where it has not been interfeered with by Ego-driven human-beings.


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