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"Before God there is no Evil"
Like all sayings extracted from the Bible this one bears implications to different levels of existence and understanding. I am going to expand on it from a purely subjective level in the following paragraph.
Since our reality is created by what we are, and especially by what we are thinking, we our-selves hold the key to the state of "No Evil". Once having attained to the state of consciuosness in which you are remaining constantly aware of the Divine spark within your-self and in turn, in all that He hath created, judgement automatically ceases- and of course the Evil dies with it. Therefore the way to remedy "Evil" is not negating or ignoring it but to strive for an enlightened consciousness. Because once your awareness is rooted permanently in the Christ Cosciuosness all judgment ceases, instead you learn to recognize all "Evil" as the opposite side of Love and Light. And seeming Evil will no longer resonate with you on the same base level but create loving compassion instead. And by bestowing your awareness and compassion onto whatebver or whoever is afflicted by it, will lighten the darkness by degrees or even completely remedy it- depending on its proportions.


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