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Just as our lives and enviroment can be said to be a mirror of ourselves so can it be said that the general situation the World, Mother Nature and its inhabitants are in, represents the colletive subconscious. The same applies to the relationships between countries and amongst its popluation. On all levels of exterior existance- be it in the small or the large context- we always meet with a materialisation of our individual or collective interiors. And since, not only according to the Bible, first there was the Word and the World only secondly- the way to change the World is to change the Words- or Thoughts, because they are at least as powerful as Words can be. And since God can only speak through His creation it is us Human-beings, - we being the only parts of His creation able to think and speak,- the power and responsibility to change lies in our hands. But although all Humanity is connected with each other by invisible ties and thus form a tightly-knit unit- since each one has been given personal Free Will also, the way to make universal change possible to manifest in the exterior world is to change each Human part of it. In other words; every indiviual has to surrender his own Free Will to the one of the Highest, the Divine Creator. By aligning our own Will to God's we become active parts in the process of Creation and become thus enpowered to initiate and further positive changes on a collective level. Whereas otherwise we are causing more often than not hindrances and obstacles for ourselves, and the Divine Creation as a whole, to develop and manifest in Earth the way it is meant to be which is in peace, harmony and joy.


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