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Once you have dicovered the Divine Light within you heart and learnt to live therefrom and in this truth of Divine Unity there is no turning back. Even if you might hesitate at times in uncertainty of the unknown- and because most peolpe around you are still living accordingly to the old, unelightened way, which is mainly governed by the ego-mind- this will never be for long, the Light within you having become stronger than the darkness.
However, living in the new way requires complete faith, love and devotion. Following and relying on the voice of your Angel of Intuition you can neither plan your exact steps nor know where your path and the decisions taken thereon will take you, in the way you used to do, because by living from one moment to the next the thinking-ahead process ceases to function in the old way. Having recognized and accepted the true destiny of your soul and the special gifts you were born with, enabling you to fullfill the set tasks and thus contribute to the positive development of the sum total of all there IS, knowing this general direction will suffice for as long as you stay true to the Divine Light of your heart. On this path- whatever you may encounter- will bring you even closer to God. Given, of course,  that you always meet it with the loving consciousness of your heart, faith and the readiness to surrender to His will and love for you. The rewards thereof will be inmeasurable joy and light-heartedness arising from the center of your being- independent of you material situation and physical circumstances.


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